Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway doesn't own Nvidia: Despite its booming growth, Nvidia doesn't fit Buffett's investing style.

Focus on established companies: He prefers well-established businesses with "good economics" like Coca-Cola and American Express.

Value investing: He seeks undervalued stocks based on their intrinsic worth, not market trends.

Avoiding "it" stocks: He avoids rushing into popular high-growth stocks like Nvidia.

Large positions in Apple and Amazon: He entered these tech giants after significant price increases.

Limited investment options: He finds attractive investment opportunities scarce with Berkshire's large cash holding.

Skepticism about AI: Both Buffett and Munger express concerns about the hype and potential risks of AI.

Buffett acknowledges AI's potential: He recognizes ChatGPT's capabilities but worries about its unforeseen consequences.

Munger prefers traditional intelligence: He expresses skepticism about the superiority of AI over "old-fashioned intelligence."

Berkshire's future investments: Despite limited options, Buffett is still looking for companies with "good economics."