Khatu Shyam, a Hindu deity, attracts devotees from all across India.
Ringas Junction (RGS) is the closest railway station to Khatu Shyam, 17 km away.
Ringus train connectivity is with major cities like Delhi and Jaipur.
Taxi: Travel Time: 25-35 minutes Fare: ₹1,100 - ₹2,500
Auto: Travel Time: 35-45 minutes – Fare: ₹200 - ₹350
Jeep: Travel Time: 30-40 minutes Fare: ₹150 - ₹300
Bus: Travel Time: 45-60 minutes Fare: ₹120 to ₹500
ADDITIONAL INFO: - Sharing a taxi or auto can help reduce the cost – Fares may be higher during peak tourist season. – If you have a lot of luggage, a taxi or jeep might be more suitable.